I can't remember exactly what I was looking for when I first saw her work, but I instantly felt like I'd stepped into some beautiful, other world. The genius behind these gorgeous images is Daniella Fishburne at FriedFishPhotography.etsy.com and I am so happy to be able to share her work and little bit about the artist behind these breathtaking images. In her bio on Etsy Daniella says,
"I’ve been drawn to art for as long as I can remember. My childhood
memories are filled with sketch pads and clay covered hands, but nothing
seemed to capture my heart until I discovered photography. I've always had an active imagination, ever since I was a little girl.
Imagining the impossible, I would often get lost in my own little world
for hours. For some, this may seem like a waste of time, but I like to
believe that anything is possible and, after years of daydreaming, I am
finally able to turn my dreams into reality. In 2014 I began exploring my own inner life, thoughts, and feelings
through a 52 week self-portrait project. In that sense, this body of
work is very personal, almost like a visual diary."
Composing a dream, turning the ethereal into the real is such a enormous undertaking and yet, image after image she succeeds and we get lost in her daydreams too.
Bleu Avenue: Thank you so much for talking with me. When I look at your photos, I feel like I'm looking into a dream. From what do you draw inspiration?

B: There is magic in daydreams. I love to see that light in my girls' eyes when they're dreaming up some story or drawing. They're big fans of strong women, so most of their ideas involve regular girls that turn into some kind of super hero.
I guess everyone has a particular idea that they like more than others. To what theme are you most drawn?
I guess everyone has a particular idea that they like more than others. To what theme are you most drawn?
D: I think I'm most drawn to the sky, especially the night sky. I love
watching clouds float by and I'm absolutely mesmerized by the moon. I
think those elements have become a common theme in my work. I like to
believe that anything is possible and I hope that my work inspires
others to believe that too. It also provides a nice little escape from
B: There is a sort of process involved in creating something and as we do something over and over, that process gets refined. How has your work or your vision for your work changed with time and experience?
D: I think everyone’s work changes as they grow as an artist. My work has
become increasingly more surreal and my editing techniques are a lot
more subtle since I first started. I had a tendency to over use textures
in the beginning, but with time and practice I'm learning that less is
B: Absolutely, as we learn, we grow and as we grow we learn. It's a blessing to have friends, family, or mentors to help guide us now and then along then way. What has been the best advice you've been given or tip that you've
found either for your photography or another area in your life?
D: Always follow your heart. You are the only one who knows what’s right
for you. If your intuition is steering your life in a new direction,
don’t be afraid to follow a new path. Change is scary, but if you follow
your heart, then you’ll always end up right where you’re supposed to
B: You've mentioned in your Etsy Bio that you'd like to publish a
collection of your photos in a coffee table book. What else do you
think the future holds for you artistically?

D: I still hope to publish a coffee table book someday and I’d also like to
see my work on book covers. I recently signed with an agency that works
exclusively with publishers, so hopefully one day soon I’ll see my work
sitting on a shelf in my local bookstore. I also have a small series
that will be published in "Somerset Digital Studio" in the fall, which
is a wonderful magazine dedicated to digital art. I'm very excited about
the future possibilities, but at the end of the day what I really want
most is to inspire others to believe in themselves and the possibility
that dreams really can come true. The key is perseverance.
B: Very true, the best way to achieve your dreams is to hold tight and keep working toward them. Thank you so much for talking with me today and I look forward to seeing that book and all your future photographic creations.
And Shop her photo prints at www.friedfishphotography.etsy.com
The delicate house of dreams, in which the author taps in, is intense and it allows her to transform her delightful ideas into a range of artistic art that is magnetic to the human eye. One can be put into daydreaming by just staring at it. It is soothing, sedative, enchanting and magical.
ReplyDeleteVery well said, Ana :)