Sunday, August 21, 2022

Social Media Faux Pas

I've been unfollowing a lot of people on social media lately.  I'm just tired of their schtick.  I want to see their pretty photos and occasional dips into their personal lives can be quite nice, maybe even necessary to establish a more solid connection.  That's not really where the trouble lies.  It's one thing to talk about your interests, experiences, and to try to connect with others, it's another to shriek your incredibly divisive politics.  I'm interested in people's stories; I'm bored to tears by their politics.  While I'm at it, I'm also tired of the asinine comments, you know the kind I mean, not just the rude or ugly things, it's the ones where people didn't really pay any attention and then make a comment intended to be some highbrow assessment as if they have an inside track from a distracted partial reading of a post or viewing of a video.  I've just deleted a couple of posts from what I can only assume by the user name is a very cranky old Karen.  (I don't throw the term Karen around lightly or often ,but it totally applies to this old crow.)  Dear Lord, please deliver us from the utter stupidity of others.
I thought the internet and social media were supposed to bring us all together and make the world a smaller place, but the world is more divided now than at any other point in history.  There's just no point to it other than satisfying our self righteousness and narcissism, so rather than shriek back, I just unfollow.  I don't need to agree with influencers on everything and for the most part, I have a pretty thick skin when it comes to differing on opinions and experiences in life, but most of the people I follow are for style only and when they spew hateful things, after a while, it makes it really hard to see past that and just see their style.
Seven years ago my blog started out being solely about fashion, but when I hit a few serious bumps in the road, I found that I did need an outlet for my issues.  After I began sharing, it felt so much more natural to be a real person with real problems, than to pretend that everything was perfect all the time, that I decided to allow myself some wiggle room in what I discussed.  My intention was to draw others in, to let them know they're not alone and no one is perfect, so it's not just ok to have problems, it's part of living.  So, while I hope I don't come off as badly as the shrieking harpies I've recently unfollowed, I know that's a risk, and I guess it's one we all take as we navigate this unknown territory of social media.

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