Thursday, September 26, 2024

Simple Style

I think sometimes I come-off as a little snobby about my tastes in clothes.  I'm not a fan of wearing yoga pants unless you're physically at the gym.  Same goes for sweatpants.  And T-shirts and jeans have their place in the world as well, it's just not at a fancy wedding.  Saying all that doesn't mean that I don't like casual wear, but I don't think that casual wear can't be stylish as well.
The typical reasons for choosing something casual are: that it takes too much time to put on something nice/cute,  or stylish clothes are just not as comfortable.  Both are completely inaccurate statements and to prove my point, I thought I'd show you one of my favorite little casual Sunday morning dresses.  This dress is basically just a long T-shirt and is super comfortable.  But, it also has a fitted waist and has an eye-catching printed belt to make it a look a little extra.
Check out that bow on the back!  These are the little things that make a piece of clothing, and by extension an outfit, interesting.  
Floopy loopy earrings?  Why not.  They're a little heavy, and I probably wouldn't wear them all day, but for a daring accessory that I'll wear just to grab breakfast at a little cafe, they're kind of awesome.
As far as footwear goes, I've always felt that a pair of flats feel just as comfortable and look far nicer than any pair of sneakers or flip-flops on the planet.  Add some details to the flats, like these rows of straps, and suddenly they're more visually interesting too.  Seriously, these flats are more comfortable than any pair of Chuck Taylors I've ever worn.  
The best part of all is that this outfit took me less time to assemble and put on than stretchy pants with a baggy sweatshirt and a ponytail under a baseball cap.  Seriously, it takes more time to wiggle into those stretchy pants than it does to just slip on a dress like this.  I think I should also add that this T shirt dress was thrifted from ThredUp, so it cost about $15 before shipping.
As far as ease and comfort goes this outfit checks all the boxes, plus looks far more put together and (I'm sorry to say this:) far more appropriate for going out to breakfast or really to do anything than does the afore mentioned stretchy pant ensemble.  Yes, I am aware of how snobby that sounds, but our world has gone off the rails on comfort and someone has to be the voice of dissent.
Comfortable can look nice as well, and looking nice doesn't take nearly as much time, effort, or $$ as many people think.  It's not only possible to feel comfortable and look great, it's worth it.  I'll step off my soap box now.
Outfit:  Fervour dress is from Thredup, bag is Betsey Johnson


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