Friday, February 10, 2023

The Best Kind of Days

Snow days are slow days, that linger on in the pleasant tasks of tending the fire, reading books and waiting for tea to steep.  The day after New Year's was a day like this, it was sans snow, but still my very favorite kind of day.  It was the kind of day that moved so slowly that it seemed to last forever.  The morning was filled with errand running and yet by the time I got home, it was only 9:00.  I sat down and made a list of all the things I needed still to accomplish with my day and after a cup of coffee I started on the first chore on my to-do list and washed a load of dishes.  
Since the holidays passed me completely by without our family making a single batch of cookies, I decided to remedy that immediately in the new year by whipping up a batch of pecan butter cookies. While they were in the fridge chilling for two hours, I started a painting.  Two hours is the exact amount of time I allow myself to do any painting.  Painting is only relaxing to a point.  After two hours I get frustrated, and so no matter how it looks, when the timer dings, it's paintbrushes down, I'm done.  
By noon my children were both up and my youngest asked if we could make a second batch of cookies together.  So, after a lovely lunch we began a second batch of butter cookies, but these were sans pecans and instead had centers of blackberry jam.  While the second batch of cookies chilled for two hours, I asked my daughters if they would like to take a walk.  
The day was as warm as a June morning and the sky was covered with a blanket of thick gray clouds but we weren't expecting rain for hours yet.  It was just perfect for a long stroll.  About 20 minutes into our walk it started to rain.  We paused and considered turning back but the rain was warm and we were having such a good time we decided to press on.  It was lovely walking in the rain, laughing and talking.  Then the gentle rain turned to a freezing deluge.  
We turned back when the lightning began, but by now it was a good half hour back to the house.  Not easily discouraged, I reminded my girls of the time while we were living in Japan that we walked several miles in a cold Typhoon with one girl having a broken toe and the beginnings of a fever.  I reminded them of just how hard the walk was but how much better a hot cup of tea and a warm blanket felt after such a walk.  The temperature dropped rapidly while we walked and by the time we reached our door the laughter was silent, our clothes were soaked, and we could see our breath in the air.  But, after hot cups of tea, fuzzy blankets and warm butter cookies were distributed all around we passed a pleasant recovery together before beginning work on the second batch of cookies.   
After they were baked and cooling, the rain stopped and the sun came out so we decided to try again for a walk and this time made it all the way there and back in pleasant conversation and without feeling a drop.  Then it was time to feed the animals and start dinner and after those things were done, there was time for another cookie and a few rounds of our favorite card game.  In my experience it is usually the best days that fly by us and the saddest days slow into eternity.  So, on the rare occasion that I have a perfectly sweet and amiable day when the clock procrastinates I embrace them with the utmost gratitude as the rare gift they are.

Shopping Info:  Van Gogh Sunflower Tea Rose Dress from

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