Saturday, July 15, 2023

One Quiet Day

Yesterday I did absolutely nothing.  That's right.  Mr. Bleu and I were in total agreement that after all things we've had filling up our schedules lately, what we really needed most was a day of rest.  No cleaning house, no grocery shopping, no mowing the yard, no visiting friends, not so much as a date night.  We.  Did.  Nothing.  And, it was perfect.

I started my day of nothing on the preceding evening by going to bed at 8:00 p.m.  I know that's crazy early, but I was crazy tired both physically and emotionally, so I decided that even if I didn't fall asleep, I would just go in my room, lay down and look out the window until I did fall asleep.  As much as I would like to say that I was soothed into dreamland by the sounds of nature, that's not how it went at all.  Yeah, I was immediately out like the literal and proverbial light.

Ten blissful hours later, I woke up with nothing demanding my time, so I didn't get up.  I lay there for another half hour or so, not sleeping, more like thinking with my eyes closed.  I might have gone on that way for another hour or two more but even with the windows closed and the A/C running, I could hear the frantic squeals of a mama pig and eight piglets whose breakfast was long overdue.  So, I did get up.  

Once the animals were fed and quieted again, I spent the morning strolling around the yard with Mr. Bleu discussing improvements and the garden with neither of us intending to get around to any of it until another day.  Then we had our coffee and I had a couple of these amazing almond flour banana muffins I have been making each week as a healthy start to my day when I don't have time to make a bigger meal.  But, Mr. Bleu, seizing the lull in our schedule, took the time to make himself blueberry Dutch baby pancakes with homemade lemon curd.  It was amazing and I wish I had waited.

As for the rest of the day?  I spent some time in a mineral soak, got some sun to help keep my immune system healthy through the inevitable and seemingly endless winter, made my favorite meal for lunch--homemade pizza with a homemade vodka lemonade, and I managed to work in an afternoon nap and a little evening meditation and prayer time.

Today of course, we're both back to work doing all the things we didn't do yesterday and getting caught up before another busy week begins.  Unfortunately putting off work means it's still there waiting for another day and usually with a little more added from the delay.  And yet it seems so much easier to tackle these tasks when we're fully rested and refreshed.  

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