Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Why I Wear What I Wear

I know what you're thinking, Four W's in your title?  Four?!  Save some for the rest of us!  Sorry but all the W's were necessary today.  Someone asked me again today, "why do you always dress so nice?"  It wasn't a polite question asked by someone with large hopeful eyes that admired my attire.  It was asked with a disdain that almost always reflects the unfinished part of that question:  Why do you always dress so nice (it makes me feel bad about myself).  It really used to bother me when people were rude like this, but they made me feel like I was being rude by wearing something I liked.  It's stupid, I know, and I pretty quickly got over it, but since I see so many young women hurt by comments like this, I thought it would be helpful to address this issue.  First and foremost, I can't help the way people feel about themselves and while there are certainly times for the consideration of others' feelings and putting their comfort ahead of your own (like not wearing a white dress to someone else's wedding), in day to day life the best rule to follow is that you can't please everyone, so just do what you know is best.

I don't have any problem dressing appropriately for the occasion, for instance I never feed my animals in heels or show up to move office furniture in an ivory lace dress.  But, generally, I do dress nicely because this makes me happy.  Colors, prints, bows, and pointy toes, these things brighten my day and make me feel more exuberant, so why not wear them?  It is such a joy to stand in front of my closet filled with all my favorite things and look forward to what I can create and how I feel in my outfit creations.  Such a joy in fact that I wish everyone could feel this way.
I don't normally pay much attention to what others wear, because I don't care.  If they're happy, I'm happy, but when I looked at the person who asked me this question today, I saw someone who hated what they had on and my pretty dress only shined a light on something they wished to ignore: the faded leggings, the t-shirt that long ago lost its shape, the slip-on sandals, hair pulled back, no make-up.   It is an outfit that takes no effort and it doesn't offend me at all.  Sure, I see it, but I don't really take notice because I don't really care what other people wear.  I've never once saw someone dressed like this and walked up to them and said, Ugh, why do you have to dress like this?
Do you know why I've never done this?  Because when I dress in a way that makes me feel good about myself, that reflects the confidence I have in myself, I am not affected by what anyone else is wearing.  I don't care what they're wearing because I feel good about myself.  And, so, when someone asks "Why are you wearing that?" you can be certain it says way more about themselves that it ever will about me or you.  So, I laugh and let it go, and return to my joyful state.  It's as simple as that.
Shopping Info:  MAK Sweater, The Other Sparrows Dress, VIVAIA Shoes

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