Thursday, March 4, 2021

Flex Your Creativity

The woods are full of fairies!

The trees are all alive:

The river overflows with them,

See how they dip and dive.

What funny little fellows!

What dainty little dears!

The dance and leap and prance and peep,

And utter fairy cheers!

Yes, tis the season of the fey folk, the fairies and the leprechauns, and all things of the Emerald Isles, so I thought it would be the perfect time to bring out my fairy dress once more.  Do you know what's it's not the perfect time for?  All the practical effects I'd like to add to this photo, but which would have doubled my time outdoors in the freezing cold air.  No Thanks.  I'll try again when it's over 70F/20C outside.
This dress is such a fairy dream!  All that's missing is my wings.    I wish I fit into it a little better, but I am still working on that.  Everything about it is so gorgeous, I can't wait to see what Lirika Matoshi's imagination will bring us next.  If she does launch any new spring styles, I'll let you know.  I wonder what the next "strawberry dress" will be.  I can't even imagine.
How's your imagination these days?  I've met more than a few people who believe they were born without creativity, but how can that be.  All kids have such vivid imaginations.  How about you. Do you believe that imagination is just kid stuff or do you believe it's a muscle you need to workout to keep going strong?
I think it's both.  Imagination definitely comes more easily to children, but being creative is something you use or lose.  Ok, maybe you don't lose it, but it definitely becomes atrophied.  Creativity isn't just for photos and scrapbooking, it's a survival tool.  It says, I'm in a bind without X but if I use Y and Z I bet I could get by.  Not to sound like an old lady, but creativity could save your life.
Hopefully you'll never be in that kind of a scrape, but at the very least, flexing your creative muscles now and then makes life a little more interesting.  Paint an accent wall, assemble and photograph a still life, try something different with your hair or, dare I suggest, try something new with your style.
And do yourself a favor and don't look to the experts for something creative.  The so-called experts play it way too safe.  Each January I research projected fashion trends and do you know what people are saying for 2021?  Pretty much the same things they say every year.  Let me sum it up for you: Super Boring Stuff.  Big shoulder pads (how many times are they going to try to make those come back!?) Big belt buckles.  Black and white color combos.  I feel like I'm reading a horoscope.  It's all so vague they can't be entirely wrong.  Which of the fashion experts would have predicted that a ruffled pink dress covered in glitter strawberries would be the fashion sensation of 2020?  None of them.  None.
Don't trust the experts to do all the thinking for you.  Use your own imagination to create your own unique style at whatever you do.  The more you do, the better you'll get at it and the more interesting things become.  Well, I think that ties things up neatly for today.  The End.

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