Saturday, March 26, 2022

The Selkie Wait

About six months ago Selkie did a fashion show for their spring 2022 collection titled "Out of the Tower,"  partly inspired by Rapunzel and partly inspired by the lockdowns of the previous year.  They followed this fashion show with a Pre-Sale of many of the items featured in the runway show.  Oh! There were so many things I loved, but even if I had the money saved to buy a few things, which I definitely did not, by the time I made up my mind, everything had sold out anyway.  
Selkie promised that collection would release around/on the Spring Solstice of 2022.  No problem, I thought, that will give me plenty of time to save up so I'll be ready to get the dresses I want in the spring.  First I spent time pouring over the runway pics, deciding which pieces I wanted and narrowed it down to four dresses.  Then I estimated how much they would cost and padded that amount, just in case inflation reeked havoc on my dress buying plans.  Then the long wait began.  
The Spring Solstice, in case you weren't paying attention, was a week ago, March 20th.  The Spring collection did not release.  However, I did discover that while I was in the hospital having surgery, a number of companies did a teaser drop of some of Selkie's items and by the time I was able to get out of bed on my own and sit in front of my laptop again, every single dress in my size was completely sold out.  For someone who has been waiting so long, it was kind of a slap in the face.  
A fellow Selkie-lover, shared a notice from the company that they wouldn't release Rapunzel from her tower until April and my stomach tightened at reading it, which isn't so good when you've got stitches across your abdomen.  How is April "around" the solstice?  Why not just say April instead of teasing people? I'm still pretty new to Selkie, so maybe I just don't have a feel for how things work.  I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, but the wait is really starting to get me.

After so many months of waiting, I'm ready to see the dresses I've been dreaming of and saving for, or at least know they're on the way.  I managed to whittle my wish list down from four dresses to only two, especially as I have seen some of the reviews of the teaser release dresses and while they still look lovely, they're just not quite what I thought they'd be and I think I'd rather save some money for a rainy day.
In the meantime, I finally made it out to take photos of this Marie dress in Kilburn Wildflower Print, which was also a pre-order and also took a very long time to arrive, so maybe this is just part for the course when it comes to Selkie.  If it is, I can deal with it as long as I know it's part of it.  The not-knowing part is what I find hard to cope with.  Also, the not having the dresses part.  That's probably the hardest thing.  But, the not-knowing is right up there too.
So, I'll keep you posted on the latest from Selkie (they did another mini-drop yesterday and I did manage to snag a dress that I didn't know I needed, before it sold out within hours.  Sheesh!  What is the hold-up?  Just release the collection already!) and in the meantime, I'll just keep waiting and pacing the floor.  This dress on the other hand will be going to prom this year as my oldest has chosen it as her dress of choice and I am more than happy to let her wear this as her dream dress and happy that it will make her feel beautiful.

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