Tuesday, March 8, 2022

If You Can't Stand Out, Stand-By

Parisienne Beige Espresso Vintage Flats by Charlie Stone Shoes
As much as I dearly wish I could be wearing pastels and posting photos of fields and forests filled with spring blossoms, this is how things look on my little hilltop farm and will continue to look so for at least another month.  We keep a fire burning here about six months out of the year and sometimes I dream about moving away to some tropical spot and never suffering through another winter again.
I say all this as I watch yet another snowstorm working its way across the country, barreling toward my home and threatening to have us shut away in here for days on end once more.  I don't know where all these influencers live that they all have four distinct and consistently glorious seasons, but maybe I should forego the tropical getaway and go where ever they are. 
Parisienne Beige Espresso Vintage Flats by Charlie Stone Shoes
As much as I'd like to be ahead of the curve and start posting stunning spring pics, there is no way to force it.  Hence the title of today's post:  If you can't stand out, stand-by.  Sometimes it's just not the right time and forcing things, if you can force them at all, only leads to disaster.  If you can't force it, you'll only drive yourself crazy trying.
We've probably all come up against that situation where we want something so badly, a relationship, a job, an experience, but the timing just isn't right.  I know it's hard to let opportunities pass us by, but it really is ok to wait for the right time.  When we get things too soon, we're not ready for them and tend to spoil things anyway.
Parisienne Beige Espresso Vintage Flats by Charlie Stone Shoes
Take the seasons for example.  As much as I wish that spring were springing here, I know that each time, spring appears too soon, the frost arrives and kills everything well before it has had a chance to peak, but well after it has a chance to try again and spring is a waste.
Parisienne Beige Espresso Vintage Flats by Charlie Stone Shoes
So, while so many others are donning their princess-y dresses and spinning in majestic fields of flowers, I'll keep wearing my flannels, and plaids, and watching snowflakes fall by the fireside.  Spring will arrive in her own good time and I'll just stand-by and wait.
Parisienne Beige Espresso Vintage Flats by Charlie Stone Shoes


  1. New Zealand and some parts of Australia are pretty good at the four glorious seasons thing.
    I say some parts, because my part never sees any and I wish I could see snow more and cool climate foliage when I wake up. (Except even I have to admit that this Northern Hemisphere cold season been way way too much this year and I feel for everyone who has had troubles because of it. I shudder to think how it's affecting anyone with S.A.D.)

    You have said that about moving a lot. Is it something you are in a place to be able to do? regarding kids, relatives, finances, your own capacity for that?

    1. We could move if I could get my family on board. But, they're all happy here and I promised them no more moving until they're out of high school :D


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