Sunday, July 10, 2022

Updating and Getting Back to Basics

A few weeks ago I got a couple of emails telling me that I have too many broken links on my blog.  I really didn't think that was something I needed to worry about--blogs being pretty notorious for having old information  and links left untouched like dusty artifacts from the dawn of blogging--but apparently it is and I do.  Now normally I love nothing better than a good reprimand from a robot of a big corporation that demonetized my blog and is demanding I do tons of work for no hope of compensation and is Liam Neeson style threatening to take my blog if I don't, and all by email, but this one seemed like such a stupid grind, I didn't approach it with quite the relish it deserved.  Maybe because I'm super busy living a life or just don't want to, we may never have answers here. 
It's possible these emails were a scam, but I didn't want to take a chance...I also didn't want to pay anyone to do the work of updating my free, demonetized blog. Left with no choice, I decided to get to work fixing or delinking links.  So, I've been spending a considerable amount of time going through all my old blog posts and removing links that no longer work.  This is a fashion blog and fashion is ever-changing, so it was pretty much all my links that were over a year old.  Spoiler alert:  I'm not finished yet.  So, if you find one somewhere, don't worry about pointing it out; I'll get to it eventually.  
During this little trip down memory lane, I realized a couple of things.  1.  Having to comb through hundreds of posts looking for faulty links really really really sucks and this is why people pay someone to do website maintenance for them.  2.  I have been way too focused on Selkie for way too long.
I realized that I haven't been doing many if any plain old outfit posts and keeping up with trends or trying new brands.  Like a lovestruck teen I've had starlit eyes and Selkie on the brain for the past year or so.  All my energy has been spent on this one brand with whom I truly have a love/hate relationship.  Maybe relationship is a poor word choice; it's more like an addiction.  I keep saying I'll leave, but I keep staying.  I'm working on it.

In the meantime, I thought I'd take a sec to post this little outfit which I put together months ago and have already worn to work and outside work twice.  It's a sort of combination of a few of my favorite styles-namely ballerina/princess/ nautical.  I know that's a lot for a style mash-up, but I think it works and more importantly, when I wear it, I feel right at home, like it perfectly suits me.
As much as I haven't missed getting up at the crack of dawn and driving into the city on a Sunday morning to take these photos, I do miss having photos like this for the blog and I'm hoping to find more time for work like this.  It's fun and satisfying and, I've noticed as I get older that there really aren't that many women whose style I can relate to.  I'm only a few years away from the age my mother was when she became a grandmother, but I'm not really ready to dress like a grandmother yet.  So, I'll try to press on for a little while longer and lay off the Selkie as I do.

Shopping Info:  Tulle Skirt, J Crew Top from Thred Up, Nila Anthony Purse, City Classified Heels.

1 comment

  1. Stay true to you! Also google dead link checker as there are some free tools that might help. By the way my lady and I found your blog via lookbook. Love the style! Take care.


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