Thursday, May 18, 2023

A Timeless Style

Fresh on the heels of Mother's Day, this post seems particularly relevant, because this happens to every mother at least once in her life.  And even though that mother was once a teenage girl who said the same thing to her mother, she always thinks she'll be different, better somehow.  And then the reality of it all hits home.  I'm talking about being told your style is Soooo Last Season, Year, or Decade 
As someone who has had a passion for fashion her entire life, it hurt to be told by one daughter, who then turned for enthusiastic seconding from my other daughter, that my look was soooo 2012.  It hurt, but only for a moment.  Truth be told, staying On Trend hasn't been my game for a very long time.  Because I learned rather quickly that it's an impossible, expensive, exhausting venture.  The very best thing to do is adopt a style that is tasteful and timeless.
I looked back at 2012 trends and do you know what I saw?  A revival of 1950s style dresses.  Um, of course, that's my style!  It was my style before it became trendy too, but before that style had it's renaissance, I was forced to scour vintage shops or attempt to make my own.  So, when I started finding pieces that finally fit my shape, you better believe my sense of style blossomed.
I am a firm believer that good fashion never goes out of style, which is why I continually seek out the silhouettes of fashion's most successful eras, the pieces that flattered every figure in prints that look as though they could be from today or 100 years ago because they are always fresh and lovely.
As a woman in her 40s, I can safely say that I know myself, I know what I like, what looks well on me and what definitely does not.  And while I admire my daughters for trying new trends and stand in awe of how good they can make things look, I've done enough experimenting of my own to know that those same pieces would not work for me nor do I care that they don't. 
I am also experienced enough to look at a piece and just know, I could wear this for the rest of my life and always be in style.  Like this Floral Eyelet dress from ChicWish.  With a tasteful blue floral print on the subtlest pink eyelet, pleats in all the right places and a hemline that works for any occasion, this dress is a gem.

It's no coincidence that I've been a loyal fan of ChicWish since 2011.  Over the years, I've watched so many of my favorite shops change their styles to match current trends, but ChicWish has always been able to maintain that perfect balance of timeless elegance with modern flare.  It's how I know their styles will continue to be a part of my wardrobe and stand the test of time.

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