Today I have officially completed my certification and am ready to start working in a new career field. There will be more certifications to come, but the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and this was that first step. These past eleven months have been extremely challenging as I worked two jobs, interned at the place I hope to begin work now, and did my coursework. For the most part, I loved the challenge of it all, but this last mile of the first step (i.e. the past two months) has definitely been the hardest and I'm glad that I can now scale back in some areas. I'm looking forward to leaving one of my jobs and beginning work in a new field and just generally working less hours...hopefully.
Because I am a Type A, high-achieving personality, the people in my life have become very blasé about my accomplishments. While I am flooded with relief and excitement, the most I'm likely to receive in the way of kudos from those closest to me is an even-toned "congratulations" usually accompanied by a confused look as I implore for more. This is then followed by a phrase like, "I never doubted you would finish this," which when uttered has the distinct undertone of, "Duh, we all knew you would do it." And that's it. No cheers or warm hugs, no greeting cards, or getting taken out for a celebratory dinner. (Although after writing this, my mom did come through and get me a congratulations cheesecake and it's going to be delicious even though I will be eating it with a side of crow)

As much as I am glad that the people in my life can count on me to see things through and do my best, it almost feels like a dismissal of all the hard work I've done. These moments need to be properly acknowledged and celebrated in some way, even if I have to do it myself. So, I did. That's right, my shopping challenge ended and while I do intend to pick it back up again, I also need a break for the holidays anyway, so I splurged on something I have been wanting for several years now, a vintage chenille robe.

I was fortunate enough to be given a Canyon Group robe back in the 1990s when they were all over media. Fran Drescher's character wore them in The Nanny, Jane Leeves character wore them in Fraiser, and most famously, Brad Pitt wore one in Fight Club. There were so many cute styles and for Christmas one year I asked for the one with mugs or the wedding cake design as shown above on Nanny Fine. They were pricey even then and I wasn't sure I'd really get one, but Christmas day arrived and I was given this one------------------------>
It was excited that someone remembered and shelled out the money for any kind of robe of course, though a little disappointed it wasn't the design I wanted. Still, it has been a very nice robe and I have worn it for over 20 years. I wore it all through college, in my very first apartment and later my first house. I wore it while I learned to cook and caught the sleeves on fire more than once. I wore it while I walked the floors for hours on end trying to soothe cranky babies back to sleep. After so many years, it is finally starting to look rough as the back has gone bald and the sleeves are forever singed. And not to sound like a brat, but since this was not my favorite style to begin with, I have wanted to upgrade for years. The trouble is these robes have only appreciated in value since the 90s and now typically range from $350 to $1,500. I know, it's sounds crazy, but people pay it (evidently?). I also know that I myself have spent, what to others would seem like, crazy amounts of money on pretty dresses, so I try not to judge, but I also just couldn't bring myself to spend that much on a used bathrobe.

So, I watched and waited and eventually I saw a dreamy robe that was smack dab in the sweet spot of my price range (under $100!) turn up on ETSY and just in time to mark the milestone of graduating from my program, so I decided to treat myself to this quirky ruby gem:
Now, truth be told, this wouldn't have been my first pick in vintage robes. It's so lovely, but I'm not really a red & black kind of girl. When it comes to color palettes I prefer pink and ivory or other wedding cake pastels, but beggars can't be choosers. Besides, it really is a lovely piece, very funky and unique which I love! It's in very good condition, and it even still has a belt! While I was at it, I also bought a vintage Miss Elaine nightgown in nylon and seriously where has this been all my life?! Nylon is a fabric that has fallen away in popularity, but I adore this nightgown because it doesn't get all bunched up when I turn over, etc. It maybe the most comfortable sleepwear I own! I also picked out some vintage but NIB Daniel Green house slippers to complete this blast from the past glam ensemble because, as I mentioned, I don't really have anything in the way of red or black and it would kind of drive me crazy to have a robe this cool and not have the proper pieces to accompany it. Or at least I didn't, but I do now. And just to note the night gown and slippers were very inexpensive, so I didn't feel bad about adding them on. You know I have been on a spending freeze because it's all I talked about for like two months now, and saving money is wonderful. And challenging ourselves to put down our habits and hobbies and take some time away to refocus on what's really important is something we should all do throughout the year and throughout our lives. It's surprising how many little things start out as something we enjoy and over time begin to control us. I don't want that, which is why I did my month long spending challenge. But, there is also a time to celebrate, a time to enjoy, and yes, even a time to splurge. And while I think it's perfectly fine to be mindful of eating habits around the holidays, I'm certainly not going to be fasting through the time of feasting. The same goes for my spending. I am definitely going to be mindful of when I spend, but I'm not doing a spending lock-down during the most generous time of year.The spending challenge will have to wait to carry on in January (actually, I am hoping to get the whole family on board) because it's important to mark the milestones and observe the rites of passage, to do something as a sign of recognition of all the hard work I have done this year, and looking back I can tell you it has really been a very hard, insanely busy and full year. I will likely and hopefully wear this robe for another 20 years and I will think of this milestone every time I do.

(**Note the dazed look in my eyes in the photo below, that's really how I feel at the end of all this). So, in honor of completing this phase and really, really busting my bum for the past year in order to do it, not only in class work but also in working a second job to help pay for it, I thought this robe would be the perfect token of celebration as it can symbolize the beginning of a slower paced, less stressful way of life (at least for awhile).
Outfit Info: Vintage Robe from Etsy, Vintage Miss Elaine Nightgown, Vintage Daniel Green House Slippers
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