Friday, January 19, 2024

The First Snow Day of the Year

The first snow has already made its appearance this year and it was truly lovely.  I didn't really pay much attention to the weather forecast on the local news as they tend to greatly exaggerate every little cold front so that people make a run on the supermarkets buying bread and milk and then camp out in front of their tvs waiting for the worst to happen but it rarely does.
Well this morning, it actually did snow about 4 inches and we woke up to a beautiful frosty wonderland.  Since my daughter's school was canceled and so was my work, I briefly contemplated going outside to take some photos in the winter scenery, but in the end, I decided to just pour a cup of cacao/coffee and enjoy a window view from the fireside.
Since we had an unexpected day off together, I wanted to do something special, so I made pizza for us all, though there is rarely such a thing as time together in my house right now.  Everyone is busy doing their own thing, so it was enough that everyone could come and go as they pleased and have a slice on their way.
Meanwhile, not wanting to just spend the day watching tv or online shopping, I set about a task that has been in the back of my mind for a while.  You see, as I go through my home and declutter, I really am finding places everywhere that need to be sorted and tidied and coming to terms with the reality that decluttering is never a one and done kind of thing.  It's a part of regular maintainence, and part that I have not done in so long because I thought we were on the verge of building a new home and didn't want to part with anything that might be useful until we knew exactly what we would need.
So, years passed and the clutter grew and the new house never materialized, and now it's time to organize this mess.  I've spent months my closet and the shed, my desk, and the dining room table which is a favorite dumping ground as family members walk in the door looking to lay down heavy bags, mail, etc.
It's all been rather tedious, but the feeling of stepping back from a previous mess and seeing a freshly decluttered and fully usable has been enough to keep me going all these months.  So, today, since I couldn't really get out and do anything else, I decided to tackly my fabric tubs.  They've been neatly stacked under my sewing table for years and I really haven't gone through them...ever.  I've added but never subtracted, so I knew it was time.
I took all the drawers out of the organizers, dragged them into the living room so I could still watch a movie while I worked, dumped everything onto the floor and set about sorting by color and putting everything away.  It took a few hours and I filled a bag with fabric that I bought for a specific project years ago, never really liked, and no longer need.  I made a little space and not only got everything organized, but also took an inventory of everything I have so I can start sewing this winter.
With something productive done, I felt pretty comfortable taking it easy, so for the rest of this lovely snow day, I kicked back, did some journaling, chatted with my girls, made sure the animals were snug and cozy, and just enjoyed the snow.

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