Monday, January 22, 2024

Walk Away

There are two connotations to the expression Walk Away and lately I've been grappling with both.  So, I thought today we'd devote a post to talking about it.

I've been fighting a certain battle for years and after yet another sucker punch from my opponents, I think I'm ready to throw in the towel and walk away.  There are people in this world who have endless amounts of energy and they love nothing better than devoting all that excess time and effort into causing trouble for others.  I'm not one of them.  I just want to be left alone and sadly that is the mantra of every losing side in every battle throughout all of human history.  I don't want to fight; they do.  I'm ready to just walk away.

In that sense, walking away can have some negative feelings because it feels like giving up, admitting defeat, even cowardice.  But, sometimes it's just wisdom to admit that you're beaten or just plain tired of fighting.  And that's where I am at.  I'm tired of trying to out maneuver, stay ten steps ahead, and never knowing when the next strike will occur from people whose lives are utterly empty of all meaning and purpose beyond how they can harm others.  I just want peace and quiet.

The other way I've been walking away is while I've been doing my second 30 day No-shopping challenge.  I have felt myself tempted to relieve stress by shopping, or simply just caught myself starting to mindlessly browse, because it's become such a habit I don't even make it as a conscious choice any more.  I've had to devote a lot of brain power to being very aware of my actions and even my thoughts and as soon as I catch myself even thinking about shopping, I make myself literally get up and walk away from my computer or phone.  Which is to say, that in those moments, I have to put physical distance between myself and the temptation to get a better perspective and not give in.

In this sense, walking away shows great self-control and will power, it means I'm in charge.  So, why is it a victory when we walk away from one kind of battle and a defeat when we walk away from another?  Context plays a big role, surely, but more than anything it's about perspective.  While we can all agree that getting up and walking away from a temptation is a sure win, the other situation is a little less about context and a little more about point of view.  In that particular scenario the lines are a little more blurry and so mindset plays a much bigger role.  What some would label as Defeat, others would call a sweeping Victory.  

On the one hand walking away is the clear right choice to be successful by creating physical distance between myself and the thing I don't want to do.  On the other hand, if it will bring me a little peace to let someone else have the "win" then maybe that's the right choice too.  In the end what really matters is that I do feel like I am moving in the right direction in both areas in my life and that's a win any way you look at it.
Outfit Info:  J. Crew Top from ThredUP

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