Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Fashion is a Journey, Not a Destination

The only thing that never changes, is that life is always changing.  Most of the time I embrace or at the very least accept change, but that doesn't mean it's without its challenges.  Ever since beginning a new job last year, I haven't really felt at home.  I was at my previous employment for seven years.  I knew my job inside and out and I knew my role within that sphere inside and out as well.  Being at a new job, in a new field, everything so different and I showed up being the same old me; I have felt completely lost and out of place, but not necessarily unhappy.
After a year, I can say that I feel more confident than I did on day one.  However, I still have a lot to learn and still have to ask a lot of questions, which isn't easy for me, but I'd rather humble myself a little and ask a question than have the complete humiliation of totally screwing up.  Another thing about this new job is that my previous way of dressing (vintage styles and whimsical novelty prints) which was celebrated and praised at my previous employment, is totally inappropriate for the work I do now, like wearing a clown suit to a mortuary.  Even though I love everything in my closet, nothing seems quite right, nothing makes me feel confident, or even like myself.  Things needed to change; it's time.  But, change is never easy even when it's necessary.
So, I've been on the hunt for something different than what I've been doing with my style for the past 15 years or so.  Do I think it's still reflective of who I am?  In a way, yes.  But, now there's this other aspect to my life and that has to be represented too, and I would like for it to be represented in a way that is still me, if any of that makes sense.  After all these months of searching, I think I have found what I'm looking for in Son de Flor.  A company committed to sustainability, beauty, comfort, and quality.  On those mornings, when I am struggling and stressing, I put on this dress and I feel like me again.
Fashion is a journey after all, not a destination.  Our style changes right along with us and that's part of the beauty of it all.  From the very first Son de Flor dress, it was true love, so I will be devoting several posts to my ongoing love affair with this brand, for helping me feel at home in my own life again.

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