Thursday, July 25, 2024

Keep Calm & Cherry On

I have a really bad habit of saving certain dresses for special days or photos.  It goes against everything I believe about living life to the fullest, but still fall victim to it if I'm not careful.  Take this little cherry dress from Retrolicious for example.  I bought it because I thought it would go perfectly with my Betsey Johnson Cherry Pie bag, which it does, but was reluctant to wear it for that very same reason.  
What will I wear with this bag if I totally wear-out this dress? I wondered and for a week or so, I refused to wear it just in case a movie night or other outing came along.  After a week or so, I realized how silly I was being.  For one thing I am so careful with my clothes that even after wearing some of them for a decade or more, I rarely "wear them out."  For another thing, I think I get caught up in a scarcity mind-set that if this dress were gone there would never be another so I need to save, save, save.
As an savvy shopper, I can tell you that half the fun is when the old is gone and it's time to see how we can replace it or how our styles have moved on.  I remember back in the early 2000's that I found a beautiful scarf at Charlotte Russe.  I thought it was the most perfect scarf I had ever seen and I loved it so much that I bought two because I thought I would want to have an extra when the first wore out.  Would you like to know what happened?

My style changed well before even one of those scarves wore out and I wound up giving away not one but two perfectly good scarves a few years later because they just weren't "me" anymore.  I should have learned my lesson right then and there, but sadly some lessons take a little longer to learn.
At least this story has a happy ending.  Since I renovated my closet and down-sized my on-hand wardrobe, I am getting way more wear out of the pieces I selected to be my spring/summer pieces and I decided there was room to put this dress in the rotation, so it has already been worn half a dozen times since I purchased it.
I may actually end up wearing this dress out, but I have made my peace with the fact that if I do, then searching for something new that goes perfectly with this bag will just be part of the fun, a new challenge in a new season of my life and style.

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