Sunday, June 30, 2019

High Waist Plaid Trousers Styled Two Ways

I remember hearing the phrases "that outfit's too loud" or "that's too busy" a lot growing up.  I don't know if anyone ever said it about me, although I'm sure it happened at least once or twice.  I don't hear those kinds of things said too much anymore.  The fashion world has done away with so many of the old rules and embraced lots of ways to express oneself through fashion.  It's a great and very fashionable time to be alive.  In April, I did a post called 4 Do's for High Waist Trousers which you can check out by clicking the link.  As reluctant as I'd been for so long to jump on this fashion bandwagon, now that I've finally done it, I can't get enough.  I really love what FemmeLuxe's high waist trousers do for my figure.  They make my bum, which I've always considered a "trouble spot" look pretty darn amazing and suddenly it's something I'm proud of.  Not to mention that OMGolly are these trousers ever comfortable.  In today's post I'll be styling a pair of black and white tartan print high waist trousers two ways.  These trousers are made of a nice thick fabric that has some stretch to make them comfortable.  The print is tasteful and flattering and they come with a removable belt, two front pockets, and tapered legs.  
Style One: The first style is a classic look, and it looks rather posh, but when I start with such a great piece that the rest is so minimal and easy to create something chic that it almost feels like cheating.  
Tartan Print High Waisted Trousers from
Tartan Print High Waisted Trousers from
A slim fit black turtle neck and a chunky pearl necklace with some black pumps with a buckle at the toe for that extra little detail to add visual interest and voila!  A classic 1960s Hollywood femme fatal style just like Audrey and Brigitte.  I added a black headband with a long ribbon tie at the back, but a pony tail or messy bun would also go perfectly with this style.  And don't forget a blazer would make this an instantly professional style.
Tartan Print High Waisted Trousers from
Tartan Print High Waisted Trousers from
Style Two:  Weekend mornings are meant to be far less complicated than the Monday through Friday 9-5 routine.  In short, we all need a casual look and it's even better when we have a few go-to items that can have us looking effortlessly fashionable.  It's easy when you see a piece of clothing worn a certain way to pigeon hole it as belonging to that sort of style.  These trousers for example do create a very classy look, but they're also comfortable enough that they look fabulous in a casual outfit too!  And that sort of versatility is exactly the kind of thing any savvy shopper should be looking for in her clothes.  
Tartan Print High Waisted Trousers from
Tartan Print High Waisted Trousers from
To create something more casual it really only takes a few steps.  First, switch the heels for flats.  Riding your bike to grab breakfast would be out of the questions, and who wants to stroll through the farmer's market in heels?  If there's one thing I know, it's farmers (after all, I grew up on a farm) and they'll start raising their prices when they hear you click-clacking in those heels from four booths away.  Second, lose the statement jewelry in favor of something subtle, although I think pearl earrings work with just about everything so I kept those for both looks.  Third swap the turtle neck for a simple graphic tee.  Don't forget to tuck in that tee; you don't want to hide the high waist and that adorable bow belt.   Fourth, add a colorful cardigan.  While blazers dress up an outfit, cardigans ooze comfort.  As much as I love the classic style I've created here, I'd be hard pressed to choose a favorite between the couture and the casual look.  Comment below and tell me which is your favorite style.
Tartan Print High Waisted Trousers from
Tartan Print High Waisted Trousers from
Shopping Info: Trousers from FemmeLuxe, Tops from: SHEIN, Charter School Cardigan in Red from ModCloth, flats from Charlotte Russe

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Pink Flamingos

 Where are you going this summer?  Whether it's the beach, family brunch, girl's weekend, or just on a staycation, Karina's got you covered.  You know I love my novelty prints and I can always count on KarinaDresses to make everything tasteful and classy.  I was tickled pink when their A Day at the Beach collection released and I saw this Ruby dress in Pink Flamingos.  The Ruby dress is one of my favorite styles because it's so cool and the cut looks great on every body type, but add to that this darling whimsical flamingo print and I'm in heaven.
Ruby Dress in Pink Flamingos from  Summer Fashion Novelty Prints
Ruby Dress in Pink Flamingos from
Shopping Info:  Ruby Dress - Pink Flamingos-$108 from

Friday, June 28, 2019

It's an Inspired Taste

For chic-on-the-go a shirt dress is your best bet.  Feminine but casual with just enough 50s flare to make it tasteful at any event , pockets are a must and of course if you can find one with a whimsical novelty print, so much the better.
It's an Inspired Taste Shirt Dress in Airplanes from ModCloth
It's an Inspired Taste Shirt Dress in Airplanes from ModCloth

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Queen Anne's Lace

I found this page from an old Childcraft book--my favorite Childcraft book in fact--the book of poetry.  One year for a school reading challenge my teacher agreed to let me memorize this poem about Queen Anne's Lace along with several other poems, mostly about wild flowers, and recite them in front of the class in lieu of reading.  I did it.  Little seven year old heart pounding, I stood in front of the class and recited each one.  I was the only kid to employ this method, and even though it wasn't enough to win me the competition (the victory went to my arch rival who was similar and yet truly superior to me in every way, but at the time I was convinced she had cheated) to this day I still have those poems memorized.  I suppose it helped that I kept that book and read it a million times over to my own sweet children when they were very young.  Still, I think of this little poem each June when the Queen Anne's Lace are in full bloom, brightening every field and hillside.
Victorian Style Free People Sydney Blouse Ivory Lace Pinafore Dress Shein
Shopping Info: Pinny from: SHEIN, Free People Sydney Blouse, flats from ModCloth

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Forget Me Not

It's so easy to get caught up with calendars and schedules and screen time that we forget to make time for the truly important things.  We get so busy just getting through the difficult parts of life that we forget to stop and enjoy all the beauty of it.  I'm just as guilty of it as anyone.  That's why I've started clearing space on my calendar and making appointments for little things, quiet things, like the first day of blueberry picking.  
Forget Me Not Dot Dress in Abigail from
Our local berry farm just opened today and we were there at 7:00 a.m. to pick a pint and munch a few.  It was still a work day for me, so we had to get up extra early, but it was worth it for this first taste of summer and the lovely memories we make each year running through the field in soft stillness of early morning, laughing, eating, and enjoying life together.  I thought this Forget Me Not Dot Abigail Dress from KarinaDresses was just perfect for berry picking on this lovely morning.  A beautiful hue, cool and stylish, and just the right length.
Forget Me Not Dot Dress in Abigail from
 Shopping Info:  Abigail Dress - Forget Me Not Dot - $108.00 from: Karina Dresses, Vivacious Vibes T-Strap Heel in 38 by Chelsea Crew from ModCloth

Monday, June 24, 2019

Countryside Bistro: Part One

I had an idea that I wanted to try.  I saw this gingham top and thought it would go nicely with my handmade Paris Ville dress, but then also thought it would go just as nicely with my A Date with Paris skirt from Chicwish.  What to do?  I couldn't decide on one, so I'm going to do both and let you decide which is best.  So, today is part one and part two will follow soon.
Michael Miller Paris Ville Bernie Dexter Style Handmade Dress with Shein Pink Gingham Crop Top
Michael Miller Paris Ville Bernie Dexter Style Handmade Vintage Style Dress with Shein Pink Ruffle Gingham Crop Top
Shopping Info: Top from Shein, fabric by Michael Miller

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Wisteria and Whimsy

Most of the time I'm writing about "Be Appropriate" and "Does Your Look Say What You Want it to," and I think I should practice what I preach by striving in my daily life to be appropriate, but that doesn't mean there isn't any room for a little whimsy.  So, every now and then I like to wear my cat ears headband out and about.  I put together this look today and wore it with and without the headband.  Comment below to tell me which one is your favorite look.
Mock Neck Landscape Print Tee From SheIn and Classic Simplicity A Line Midi Skirt in Pink from ChicWish
Mock Neck Landscape Print Tee From SheIn and Classic Simplicity A Line Midi Skirt in Pink from ChicWish
Mock Neck Landscape Print Tee From SheIn and Classic Simplicity A Line Midi Skirt in Pink from ChicWish
Mock Neck Landscape Print Tee From SheIn and Classic Simplicity A Line Midi Skirt in Pink from ChicWish
Shopping Info: Top from Shein, Classic Simplicity skirt from ChicWish

Saturday, June 22, 2019

One Last Stroll Through the Buttercups

The season's almost at its end and the heat of summer will soon be here.  But, before the days get any longer, the sun gets any brighter, and the flowers fold their petals up and sleep until another year, one last stroll through the buttercup fields.
SheIn Green White Gingham Sundress
Knotted Cuff Fit and Flare Green White Gingham Sundress from SheIn
Shopping Info: Dress from: SHEIN

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Meditations on Peace

Lately I've been reading Marcus Aurelius' Meditations.  I've admired his writings for years, but this is the first time I've ever sat down to read more than a paragraph or two.  One thing that struck me was, and I'm paraphrasing heavily here, a section in which he stated that people are always trying to escape chaos.  They go to the countryside, they go to the beach to get away from it.  (How funny that 2000 years ago people were still going to the same places on vacation!)  Aurelius said what we need is not to get away to find peace, but to create peace within our own minds and then we can visit that place for a moment or two right in the middle of any chaos and find rest from it.  This is such a foundational truth to deliberate living.  I couldn't agree more with that sentiment and creating inner calm and organization to my thoughts is something I have been striving for since I was only a teen. 
However, I also find that it helps not only to create an inner calm, but to also create calm spaces if we do need a retreat that lasts more than a moment or two.  My home is a home of peace, where, in spite of having two teens we have (relatively) little strife.  That takes work!  Creating and then maintaining peace takes a lot of work.  Chaos is the easy road and that's why it is so common.  Not only that inner and relational peace, but for the last two years I've been slowly working at transforming the wild forest of my yard into a little hideaway and now, I think it's there.  The last little touches are in place and I can find rest and respite from the chaos of the world without having to go any farther than my own back yard.
Romwe Leaf Print Button Tie Front Cami Dress
SheIn Leaf Print Button Tie Front Cami Dress Peekaboo
Shopping Info: Dress from: ROMWE

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Singing in the Rain

I like to sing.  I'm terrible at it, really, really, awful, which is why I only sing when I think no one can hear.  People do hear it occasionally, and they always think I sing because I'm happy, but it's actually the other way around.  Sing first and happiness follows.  Something in my brain says, "Oh, she's singing, so I guess we're happy," and then I am.  Try it and see if it doesn't help the next time you're feeling glum, which by the way is a lot more common when it's raining. The next time a storm rolls through, don't get down, instead, tell your brain you're happy anyway by singing a song.  
Community Brunch Shirt Dress in Black Print ModCloth
Shopping Info: Community Brunch Dress from ModCloth Sunglasses from: SHEIN
2025 © Bleu Avenue. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.