Saturday, September 5, 2020

Change the Day

Maybe today didn't start out terrific. Maybe it started out pretty awful and you just want to crawl back into your bed, bury your head under the covers, and stay there. Forever. What do you do when the world lashes out before you've even got your day going? Is there any way to salvage the wreckage? Cheer up, dear friend, there is always hope.

It's a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, you got plenty of rest. The kids are up and dressed without you having to ask and someone actually made you breakfast. This is amazing. And totally just a dream. Then you wake up. 

It's still dark, it's cold, and someone is crying—maybe a dog, maybe a child, maybe a vagrant engaged in a squabble with a wild animal—whatever the case, you can't sleep anymore, not that you slept much anyway, and this is not a good omen for how the rest of the day is going to go. Can you make it stop before it gets any worse? Yes, you can.

Breathe a moment. Step away from it for just a few minutes. What can you control? What can you change? Really just two things, your schedule and your attitude. Maybe today you cancel an activity or two. The world will go on turning without you at the PTA meeting tonight or if your child has to miss one soccer practice to hang out with you and get pizza instead. If your schedule is set in stone (but c'mon, is it really?) then you'll just have to change your outlook.

Stop what you're doing. Close the office door, turn off your phone and your screen (After you've finished reading this, of course. If you turn it off now you'll be totally lost about what to do next). Now, close your eyes and take three slow deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Once that's done, I want you to say out loud three things you are thankful for in your life and why. (if you're doing this in a public bathroom stall because that's as close as you can get to privacy, it is ok to just think and not say it, but if you're not worried about scaring your neighbor in there, then by all means, carry on.)

Instead of seething over the mess your spouse or children left, be thankful these people are alive and well and in your life. Be thankful you're picking up dirty socks instead leaving flowers at a grave. Are you single? Don't lament your loneliness, celebrate your freedom and/or reach out to others and gather them in.

Your job may have its stressors, but be thankful you have an income, and what are the other perks of working there? Name them. You have a home? You are blessed. You have food to eat? You are blessed. You have breath in your lungs? This day is a gift and you are blessed. Decide to see the day in a different light. Don't be ruled by events and emotions. You can make this a better day.

Shopping Info: Poema Dress by Anthropologie from Poshmark

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