Wednesday, August 23, 2023

So It Begins

I'm officially announcing a little hiatus from fashion posts.  I am caught up on all my collaborations and deliberately haven't entered into any new ones so that I can have a little break to declutter, reorganize, and revamp my life and my living space.  There will still be some here and there, but I have a new project I am working on at the moment and I am so excited about it it's consuming all my creative energy.  In fact, I don't really want to leave my home for any reason at the moment, including work, grocery shopping, and yes, fashion photos.  Alas, work and food are necessary and fashion is not.

If you saw my post about repainting an old cedar closet, you probably already know that I am in the redecorating, or rather finally decorating, mood.  Mr. Bleu and I have decided to do some home renovations as well.
Mr. Bleu grew up in a family of worker ants.  He often remarked about how he would leave on Friday to spend the night at a friend's house and when he came home on Sunday there was a new deck, landscaping, or a stone walkway.  I grew up in a family of whatever the complete opposite of ants is.  Grasshoppers, I guess.  My parents built a house and moved in before it was completely finished.  So, it just never got finished.  There was no framing, no trim, no baseboards or molding, no paint.  Just white on sheetrock.  The carpets were more like giant hideous rugs, because there was no padding under them and they weren't tacked down.  We had no doors on anything including the bathrooms.  That created some interesting moments, to say the least.  And that's just how we did things.  

While Mr. B and I have have done some fixing up in the houses we have lived in over the years, nothing quite like this.  I am notoriously ambitious and I only hope I have the patience to do all the prep work and see it all through properly.  Living with shoddy work, especially when it's my own shoddy work, it like having an itch you can never scratch.  So, I am trying to plan and prep and pace myself so we can do this right.

My oldest daughter recently paused and looked around at my progress and then asked, "mom, are you dying?...or having midlife crisis or something?"  If I were dying I would take a trip to Europe not fix up a crummy house I'd never get to live in, and I prefer to think of it as a midlife breakthrough, so I am excited to get started and we shall see where all this leads.

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