Monday, February 28, 2022

Love What You Love

Well, the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful and since I've no place to go, why not do a snow day photo shoot.  It spent an hour or so, setting up this backdrop and I spent countless minutes envisioning and planning it.  But, I enjoy this mental exercise in creativity and I enjoy it even more when the physical manifestation looks exactly how I imagined it would.  

I haven't been doing many photos for months now and I was beginning to wonder if this was the end of things.  But, when I finished a couple of these indoor photo shoots, I realized that I've really just been creatively hibernating and I'm aching for it to be spring so I can get back outside.  I enjoyed these photo sessions though and I think I'll start making them a regular part of my blog.  It was just as I was feeling the high of this accomplishment that I got another comment about how my wardrobe overfloweth from someone I've allowed myself to become close with.  

I've heard those sorts of comments for as long as I've been working at my style, and usually from people who aren't working on their style at all but some how feel fit to judge, and so when I consider the source, it doesn't really bother me.  But when it comes from someone in my inner circle, it does tend to stick a minute.  And yet, when I come home and look at my clothes, I love them and .  I mean, one look at this gorgeous dress and those ugly words just roll off.  

The world is full of unhappy people who can't stand for anyone to have something they don't.  Some days it feels like these people are the majority.  Out of curiosity, I've asked one such commenter how I should better spend my time and do you know what the response was?  Doing things she likes to do, of course.  Because what she likes to do has value and what I like does not.  Worth truly is in the eye of the beholder, because I can tell you with all sincerity that what she likes to do, seems like just as much of a waste of time to me as what I like to do seems to her.

The thing that people may not understand about this little hobby is that it isn't just about the clothes, it's about the creativity, the composition of an outfit, the bargain hunting, the planning and executing of the photographs that make this part of a very entertaining  pursuit.  I don't expect everyone to understand.  But, I do think it's ok to love what you love and let other people love what they love and we don't without having to understand it.

When I drive by a 6 a.m. line of shivering fans camped outside the stadium on my way to take photos in the dead of winter, we exchange glances and I know that they think I'm just as silly as I think they are.  We're neither right or wrong.  They're doing what they value and I'm doing what I value and we are both happy with our choices even if the other can't comprehend it.  So, I'll be happy for them and if they're self-aware or intelligent enough, they'll be happy for me.  We'll exchange a nod and a little smile as we pass and keep our comments to ourselves.

Shopping Info:  Wedding Gown from  Use code Blogger25 to save 25% at Ever-Pretty

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