Thursday, February 24, 2022

More Stuff Doesn't Equal More Happiness

It's an easy trap to fall into, especially if you keep your eyes on your favorite influencers whose wardrobes are ever-expanding, but I assure you that more clothes (or more stuff in general) does not bring fulfillment; it brings frustration. Whether it's your home décor or your wardrobe, the things you own can end up owning you.  This is why everything you buy should be purchased as part of carefully curated collection.  
Closet clutter sneaks in as easily as home clutter (and for all the members of my family except me, car clutter as well).  The build-up can build up until choosing an outfit becomes overwhelming and time consuming from too many options.  We fall into wearing the same old things because it's quick, easy, and there's just too much to choose from.  Then we get bored, buy new things, and the clutter grows and so does the frustration.  It's a vicious cycle but there is a way to break it.

Springtime brings a revived sense of energy that all nature feels.  Which is why it is an excellent time to throw open the windows for some fresh air, open the closet, pull out all the drawers and clean out your wardrobe.  This is a process I've been working on for over a year now, not just whittling down my wardrobe, but also curbing my spending. 
There are still a few weeks left in winter, but don't put off the clean-out until the official start of spring.  Start now by looking at your wardrobe and thinking about your style.  Which pieces best represent your look and which don't.  Once you decide what style you'd like to focus on (and yes, it's ok if your style changes or if your style is eclectic) you can begin to weed out the excess pieces.  Sell them or donate them, but do let them go. 
Once the closet is clear, it's time for step two so that you don't fall back into the clutter trap.  It's time to curb the amount of time you spend shopping and the amount of money you spend.  Start this step by setting a budget on your time and money for shopping, and then only invest in timeless, quality pieces rather than fast fashion trends that will be worn out or out of style in a year.  Have a plan for an activity you can do instead of shopping during the times you're most tempted to shop, so that you don't fall back into the habit.
In one year, I've sold so many pieces of clothing that I had accumulated over years of buying and never cleaning out.  At this point, I still have a little way to go with my closet, but I'm on the home stretch.  I find myself being more creative with fewer pieces of clothing  and I have also found it so freeing of my time and energy to be rid of the excess.  Spring is the time of all things being new, of fresh starts, and it's the perfect time to make a fresh start on your closet by getting rid of the clutter.  Remember that it's not about finding happiness in having more or less, it's  about finding peace and contentment with just enough.

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