Friday, February 4, 2022

When She Isn't the "One"

I loved her, I pined for her, I worked and waited and longed for her until I could finally make her mine.  And at the end of it all I had a hard time to admit...she didn't love me back and she wasn't the one for me.  It wasn't easy after I'd built her up so much in my mind, but after a time I could no longer ignore it.  *sigh*  I'm sorry to say, we had to part ways.  
Yes, as sad as I am to say it, this gorgeous dress from Lirika Matoshi was just all wrong for me.  There were many things I loved about it, but there was one glaring problem and it made all the positives pale in comparison.  I don't know whose bosom fits correctly into these cups but it is not mine, that much I can say with absolute certainty.
I tried everything I could think of to make this dress fit:  from au natural, to different bras, to just a little padding, I tried a little tape, I even moved the straps, but nothing lessened the absolute awkwardness of these cups.  We just weren't meant to be; I had to let her go, and I learned a little something in the process.  

Sometimes, we build things up in our minds and tell ourselves that if we can just have this one thing it will be the most perfect, the most satisfying, the most fulfilling thing.  The sad truth is that things very rarely are or do any of those.  And yet, age after age, generation after generation we keep telling ourselves the same lies, falling for the same lies, and learning the same lessons over and over again.  I'm not sure there's much hope for the world ever being any smarter or better than we currently are, but personally I've learned that anytime I get too excited about a dress, it's usually the one that will let me down the most.  It's just a dress, not a miracle, don't set your expectations too high.
As far as fashion and break-ups go, I've moved on to other dresses, dresses that do fit my body and do make me feel beautiful and I hope that she's with someone now that she is making incredibly happy and making look absolutely amazing, even if that person isn't me.  I also think I may have found one and only one thing I'll ever love from Lirika Matoshi, but it is still one of my all-time favorites and it opened the door to finding Teuta and a host of other fabulous designers, so I don't regret anything.  

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