Thursday, February 17, 2022


I won't say always, but we very frequently get our biggest snowfall of the year in February or March.  Just when spring is so close you can practically smell it in the air, just when little buds are beginning to appear and little creatures are waking up and crawling out of their winter homes, we get slammed with some kind of arctic freeze.  Since moving out to this more remote little house, I often stand in awe of my forbearers and the sheer pluck and determination and intelligence that it took to survive in this place.  That anyone ever managed to live out here, let alone thrive, is a constant marvel to me.
Every year when I visit this little resort town, I marvel afresh at the ingenuity it took for people to hew rocks from the ground here and build this amazing city on stilts right into the hillside because the town is entirely composed of hillside.  Every year I come here in the off-peak days because I'm not interested so much in the night life, or the spas, or the restaurants, which also close in the off-peak days.  I just come here to stay in one of these beautiful old houses and then roam around a mostly empty town enjoying the things built 150 years ago.
All of this is to say that we just had our little arctic blast and spent 5 days snowed in our little cabin.  Five days. We were thankful that we didn't lose our water or electricity as so often happens with these storms, but it was bitterly cold and apart from our morning and evening forays to feed and water all the animals and make sure they were snug in their houses, we spent the entire time indoors and I'm feeling the cabin fever all the more so for it.
There's still a chance or two more big snow storms before spring, so I have to stay vigilant about being prepared for that while still trying to plan our garden.  (Have I mentioned how fun it is to try to start a spring garden out here?!)  But, all in all, I'm just ready to go outside and do things again without wearing twenty layers and still shivering the whole time.  And since the late frost took so many blossoms out of the spring last year, I'm hoping that this spring will be even more glorious and I'll have enough photos to last all throughout the year.  Really and truly I can't wait for spring!

Shopping Info:  Lilac Dotted Dress from Teuta Matoshi, Pinup Couture Bettie Pumps

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