Monday, May 31, 2021

Locusts & Honey

There's an interesting little tree around here whose wicked thorns were the bane of my barefooted childhood.  It is called a Locust tree.  And like the ancient biblical stories in which Charleton Heston rained misery and giant grasshoppers down on Yule Brenner, these trees were a plague upon our farm and my toes.  
Chelsea Dress in Sweet Home from Bernie Dexter Review
Although many people consider this a native plant, it is in fact a colonizer.  The black locust tree first made its way across Europe, and later America, thanks to the work of a French royal gardener named John (some texts say Jean) Robin who brought the tree to Europe in the 1600s.  It is today one of the most widespread feral trees in the world.
Chelsea Dress in Sweet Home from Bernie Dexter Review
As a reward for John Robin's contribution the genus of the locust tree is called Robinia.  Of course, I would rather read a story about him as a sort of Johnny Appleseed character.  If I were writing the story I'd call him Jean Blacklocustseed or some such, and tell the tale of his barefoot journey.  In my version of the story he is accosted by highway men who steal his shoes and rough him up.  His appearance is now quite shocking, but he must press on.  
JB comes to an inn so footsore he can hardly walk, but they refuse him a room because of his shabby appearance.  So, he knocks on every door along the road asking for a comfortable place to sleep and is refused each time.  In a fit of spite he sows the seeds of a tree whose thorns will punch right through the soles of even the toughest of shoes thus forcing the people along his journey to one day feel the pain that he does.  The End.  Ok, it's not great, but I'll keep working on it.
In spite of its awful thorns, this tree does have some food benefits and a forager need only wait until springtime to find it.  Blossoms.  Beautiful white blossoms so fragrant and sweet you can smell the intoxicating scent from several meters away.  The blossoms look much like sweet pea flowers and are very sweet with a slight crispy crunch.  
This particular variety of locust tree is the black locust, not to be confused with the honey locust.  While the two varieties are similar in many ways, the seed pods of the honey locust are edible and the seed pods of the black locust are toxic.  This is why proper identification of foraged plants is so important--mistakes can be deadly.
One of the things I love about foraging this blossom is the beautiful aroma and I don't want to rush.  I like to take my time and drink it in for a while before I fill my basket and return home to get to work serving and preserving my foraged harvest.
Black locusts can reach up to 70ft/ 21m tall, so it's not uncommon for the blossoms on these trees to be out of reach.  I have to look carefully for a tree with low branches so I can gather as many sweet flowers as possible and I always seem to find a few.

Chelsea Dress in Sweet Home from Bernie Dexter Review
I can't exactly tell you why I love foraging for wild foods.  It gives me a sense of accomplishment, as though if times were tough I'd be one step closer to not just surviving but thriving.  Maybe it's silly, but I enjoy it.
There's also something to be said for the work itself, the searching, the securing, and returning home with a basketful of yummy things soon to be made into other yummy things.  I never get this sense of accomplishment from sitting at a desk punching in numbers.
The locust tree only blooms for a week or so in the late spring/early summer so once those flowers appear, there's no time to lose.  I picked one gallon of flowers.  This year, I've made a little locust syrup and some locust fritters dusted with powdered sugar seem like the perfect springtime picnic food.  The locust fritters are quite simple to make.  Start by rinsing 1/2 gallon of the blooms.  Then combine 1C flour, 1/2 tsp salt, 2T sugar, 1 egg, 1/4C yogurt, 1/2C water, 2T lime juice and mix all together.  Then heat a skillet with oil deep enough to fry in.  Then drag the blossoms on the stem through the batter and coat both sides.  Fry in hot oil until brown.  Sprinkle powdered sugar on top and serve hot.  
These locust blossom fritters were so good!  They taste like fresh donuts.  We did pull the stems out as we ate them though, they were a little too tough to chew.  As for the rest of the blossoms I decided to make locust blossom syrup which is also quite simple, but I'll save the syrup making for another post.
And, before we close this post today, I thought I'd give you a little pic that shoes the difference between black locust and honey locust leaves.  

Of course, when in doubt, it's better to not eat a wild food than risk accidental poisoning.  You should really be certain you've correctly identified a plant before using it in food or tinctures.

Chelsea Dress in Sweet Home from Bernie Dexter Review
Shopping Info:  Chelsea Dress in Sweet Home from, Headband from: SHEIN

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Respect for the Housewife Dress

GownTown Women's 1950s Vintage Short Sleeves Notch Lapel Swing Dress
I would be hard pressed to pick a favorite dress from my three GownTown Vintage pieces this month.  I think they're all gorgeous!  But, there's something about this dress, I would call it a vintage housewife dress, that feels very homey to me, as though if I were to go back in time, I might find my grandmother lounging on the settee in the afternoon, painting her nails and chatting on the telephone with her sister while wearing a dress just like this.
GownTown Women's 1950s Vintage Short Sleeves Notch Lapel Swing Dress
She's spent all day cleaning, cooking, dropping off, picking up, shopping, preparing, and now this is a moment just for her.  And she's pampering herself by putting away her work clothes and putting on a nice casual dress.  This dusty blue color is an all-time favorite and the white piping around the collar and sleeves and white contrast buttons down the front are heavenly.
GownTown Women's 1950s Vintage Short Sleeves Notch Lapel Swing Dress
Then all the day's dirty work is forgotten, and it's Move over, June Cleaver, you've got some competition!  I know that when people say it's a "housewife dress," there can be this negative energy about it, but I have nothing but respect for homemakers of all eras, including today.  You're basically in charge of keeping several people alive, fed, clothed, educated, taxied, loved, supported, and the list goes on and on and all for...?  Maybe a hug?  Rarely a thank you.  It is a hard job, a thankless job.  It is a job that is done not for reward, because no monetary gain is in it, but simply out of love.  
GownTown Women's 1950s Vintage Short Sleeves Notch Lapel Swing Dress
And then, as one of my favorite poems by Elma Mitchell says, 
And when all’s over, off with overalls,
Quick consulting clocks, they go upstairs,
Sit and sigh a little, brushing hair,
And somehow find, in mirrors, colours, odours,
                             Their essences of lilies and of roses.
GownTown Women's 1950s Vintage Short Sleeves Notch Lapel Swing Dress
We--housewives, mothers, women, people--cannot predict or even avoid the goliath tasks that each day may bring.  We simply roll up our sleeves and face them as they come, with sweat and tears, and all the strength we can muster each day. Sometimes, in all the giving, we forget to care for ourselves.  Don't forget.  No matter who you are, or what you do, to put yourself on the list.  Take a moment for you. 
GownTown Women's 1950s Vintage Short Sleeves Notch Lapel Swing Dress
A dress that makes you feel good and remember that you are a woman, and a beautiful woman too.  A vacation that restores your soul so you can bring more to your work and the people you love.  A few hours of daily quiet mediation to bring peace to your mind you can help others navigate chaos.  These things help us find ourselves again.

GownTown Women's 1950s Vintage Short Sleeves Notch Lapel Swing Dress
Shopping Info:  GownTown Women's 1950s Vintage Short Sleeves Notch Lapel Swing Dress
GownTown Women's 1950s Vintage Short Sleeves Notch Lapel Swing Dress 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Sun, Surf, Sandals with Arromic

Gladiator Sandals from Arromic
Almost time to hit the beach for some sand, sun, and swimming.  I can't wait!  I didn't get a vacation last year, well pretty much no one did, but this year it's happening.
For this year's vacation, I made this beachy sundress, paired it with a nautical vintage style top, and chose these cute gold Gladiator Sandals from Arromic.
Gladiator Sandals from Arromic
With an elastic back strap, they're easy to slip op, and they're comfortable little flats, especially for relaxing on the beach.  I wish this dress had been as easy as the sandals.  It was a struggle to sew, but more about that on the way.
Arromic has cute inexpensive shoes that are a great quality at bargain prices and you can save even more.  By using code BLUE at checkout you'll get an extra 18% off.  Don't let summer pass you by without visiting Arromic for some great styles.
Gladiator Sandals from Arromic


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Parisian Love Affair with Arromic

Strappy Sling-back Heel Sandals
Trying something new today with these Strappy Sling-back Heel Sandals from Arromic.  Most of my heels are quite high and formal, but these sling-backs are so comfy and that it feels causal but look dressed up.  That has Leandra written all over it!
Walking down these streets in the sunshine has never felt so good.  With all the flowers in bloom I feel a bit like I'm back in Paris.  This Paris Love Affair dress from Retrospec'd definitely helps set the nostalgia.  And it feels even better when I've got some comfortable heels that are just the right height (no wobbling!) and fit so well, so I can just stroll and enjoy.  
Strappy Sling-back Heel Sandals from Arromic
The main complaint I see when I read shoe reviews is that they're either too big or too small.  The easiest way to fix that is to measure your feet and compare it to the size charts so you get the right size.

Strappy Sling-back Heel Sandals from Arromic
I found these Sling-back heels to be super comfy, the quality is great, and the best part is, they're only $19.49.  Plus you can save an extra 18% with code BLUE at checkout.  There's more on the way from my collaboration with Arromic, so stop by the blog again tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Flower Market Fashion with Arromic

Flower Market Dress Review by Retrospec'd
The open air markets have reopened and I'm so excited to bring out my cotton dresses and summer prints.  And, today as I continue my collaboration, I think this Flower Market dress from Retrospec'd looks amazing with these Ankle Strap Bowknot Pumps from Arromic.
Ankle Strap Bowknot Pumps from Arromic
The ankle straps and bows give them a classic vintage vibe and these heels have such great stability, so I can wear them walking around the shops.  So, so cute!
Ankle Strap Bowknot Pumps from Arromic
It's hard to believe that these cute little red heels are only $20.99, plus you can get them for an extra 18% off your order with code BLUE at checkout.
Ankle Strap Bowknot Pumps from Arromic
The right shoes can make or break your outfit, so it's so important to choose carefully.  I'm so pleased with all my Arromic shoes.  I love the way they add that polish to my outfits.  Since this was my first time shopping with Arromic, I followed their size recommendations carefully and I love the fit!

Flower Market Dress Review by Retrospec'd
A gorgeous dress deserves a gorgeous pair of shoes to match, but that doesn't mean you have to break the bank.  Stop by the blog tomorrow, you're going to love what's on the way with Arromic.
Ankle Strap Bowknot Pumps from Arromic
Shopping Info:  Ankle Strap Bowknot Pumps in red-$20.99 from Arromic.  Use code BLUE to save 18% off your order.  Flower Market Dress-$153.00 from

Monday, May 24, 2021

Colorful Casual with Arromic

Derby Multicolor Honeycomb Print from Bernie Dexter
Summer is almost here and for me that means slip on shoes and cotton shirt dresses.  I love it when I can find comfortable clothes that also have lots of color and style, and so today's post features  these lace-up casual sneakers from Arromic.
Casual Lace Up Sneakers with Arromic
It's not often that I get to collaborate with shoe companies, so I'm excited to feature some nice summer styles from new brands.
Casual Lace Up Sneakers with Arromic
Since I've never shopped with Arromic before, and since shoe can be tricky on sizing, I decided to trace my foot on a piece of paper, measure it, and then use that measurement to compare with Arromic's size guide to make sure that I got the right sizes.
Derby Multicolor Honeycomb Print from Bernie Dexte
Definitely check the size guide for each pair of shoes.  In my order, I has two or three different sizes because it can vary depending on the style of shoe.

These Lace Up Casual Sneakers are only $14.99, which is so inexpensive I could get one pair in every color!  But, the best news is that Arromic is offering my readers 18% off with code BLUE.
Casual Lace Up Sneakers with Arromic
Plus, they are really comfortable and I love that they slip on so I can just grab them and go and they're quite cushioned and comfortable. 
Casual Lace Up Sneakers with Arromic
There are more great styles on the way this week with Arromic!
Casual Lace Up Sneakers with Arromic
Shopping Info:  Casual Lace Up Sneakers-$14.99 from Arromic.  Use code BLUE to save an extra 18% off your order.  Derby Swing Dress in Multicolor Honeycomb-$172.00 from Bernie Dexter, Headband from: SHEIN

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Life Lately

Five years.  It's been five years.  Everyone who'd ever been there before said, give yourself five years.  Now here we are, standing at the deadline of that golden number for healing, so what's the verdict? (If you're new to the blog, you can read my annual update under the label "musings")
Obviously, there actually is no magic number.  I know this and so did all my wise councilors.  But I have seen so much progress in the last year, that I know there is something to it.  (Not only can I be alone now, I actually look forward to my days alone.  I am able to spend more time in prayer and meditation without it turning into clenched fists and despairing sobs.  I laugh more and cry less)  I know no one wants to wait that long; we want to feel better right now, or at least within a year, but the human being just doesn't work that way.  Healing takes two factors: Time + Hard Work.  You can't skip out on either of those things and have true healing.  You can't just give it time while ignoring the hard work aspect, and you can't just pour yourself into the hard work and hope to be A-OK in six weeks or even six months.  Believe me, I wish it worked that way; it just doesn't.  
I've had a couple of setbacks lately.  It's called the anniversary effect.  It's when all those old feelings and fears resurface even though everything is "fine."  Your mind, your senses are telling you this is how it was right before that awful thing happened.  The season, the celebrations, the flowers that bloom, they're triggering memories and this can lead to a relapse.  I've been there.  Recently.  Expect it; accept it; move forward again.
That's really all I'm doing.  I won't say I've totally forgiven or forgotten because I haven't.  But, I want to and that's why I keep trying.  I know that Life won't ever be the same again because I won't ever be the same.  But that's not the end of the story.  I don't want to be stuck in anger and bitterness and brokenness forever.  There's still a life to be lived and it can be a good one, even if it won't be the one I thought I'd have.  The only option then, is to keep going, keep trying, keep doing the hard work and letting time do its work.  No matter where you are in your own healing journey: do the hard work, acknowledge the pain, expect setbacks and hard days, give it time, and just keep going.  There is a life and a pretty amazing one at that, on the other side of pain and grief.  Not only can you have it, but you deserve it.  So, what are you waiting for?

Friday, May 21, 2021

Summer Plans

GownTown Women's 1950s Retro Cocktail Party Swing Dress with Pockets
Ahhh, summer is on the way at long last and that means longer days, picnics, lemonade, and lots of sunshine.  To me, nothing says summer better than a navy polka dot dress.
GownTown Women's 1950s Retro Cocktail Party Swing Dress with Pockets
This gorgeous little 1950s Swing dress is new from GownTown Vintage and just in time for summer.  I love the combo of polka dots bodice with the chiffon sleeves and bow tie.
GownTown Women's 1950s Retro Cocktail Party Swing Dress with Pockets
The fit on this dress is splendid, as always when it's a GownTown dress, and I can't wait to wear it to a picnic or barbeque.
GownTown Women's 1950s Retro Cocktail Party Swing Dress with Pockets
After the disaster that was 2020, I'm excited to plan a vacation this year and dare I hope it will be someplace near the ocean?  I do dare!
GownTown Women's 1950s Retro Cocktail Party Swing Dress with Pockets
I'm also hoping that this year will be less hectic in many ways and that to that end, I'm prioritizing spending time with family, not just the family I live with, but the family I don't get to see often.  I feel like I've lost touch with a lot of important people in my life while we were all stuck indoors.

GownTown Women's 1950s Retro Cocktail Party Swing Dress with Pockets
It's taken a while, but life is starting to feel more normal, I'm starting to finally lose those quarantine pounds, and getting back out into the world.  As shy as I am, I think this time away has made me realize how much I have missed and actually enjoy being around people.
GownTown Women's 1950s Retro Cocktail Party Swing Dress with Pockets
Whatever your summer plans are, I hope you are making some and I hope you are able to see them through.  It's time to start enjoying life again.
GownTown Women's 1950s Retro Cocktail Party Swing Dress with Pockets
Shopping Info: GownTown Women's 1950s Retro Cocktail Party Swing Dress with Pockets
GownTown Women's 1950s Retro Cocktail Party Swing Dress with Pockets
2025 © Bleu Avenue. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.