Wednesday, December 23, 2020

More Prepared = Less Stress

Red Plaid Fabulous Fit and Flare Dress from ModCloth
So, the snow days have come and I've noticed some pretty interesting changes this snow around.  Normally even the mention of snow has people here panicked and cramming into stores for the most perishable groceries and anxiously wringing their hands, glued to screens as overly tan meteorologists explain just how bad it could get while simultaneously never acknowledging or apologizing for causing a panic and being totally wrong last time...and the time before that....and the time before that......

Red Plaid Fabulous Fit and Flare Dress from ModCloth

And then there are the schools here, which tend to keep kids in classes until the last possible moment, when roads are already becoming slick and dangerous, because they don't want to use another snow day (maybe because of so many false alarms).  I remember one such case in my youth.  I was six or seven and the administration decided to keep us in class until 2:15p.m. so it wouldn't count as a snow day.  

Red Plaid Fabulous Fit and Flare Dress from ModCloth
By the time we got on the bus it has already been sleeting and snowing for over an hour.  As the bus slid down a steep hill, it started to turn sideways.  The driver regained control, we all thanked God that no one was in the on coming lane, and I was personally thankful to have been the first stop on that route.  There were plenty of other kids who still had another hour or more to go on those increasingly treacherous country roads.

But, this year everyone was calm.  There was no rush to clean out grocery store shelves or gas pumps, no arguments with bosses who wanted to dock pay for people leaving early or staying home.  Instead, I believe most people are stocked up on necessities and jobs are prepared for people to work from home already.  Schools sent out a message saying, "virtual school until further notice."  And it was all just that easy.

I'm not a Pollyanna kind of person, so I'm not going to pretend all the lockdowns and such have been a godsend, but if there are good things, I believe it's important to acknowledge them, and these were some very good things.  People being prepared to take care of themselves in an emergency is very good.  People being more focused on the safety of others than arbitrary numbers is very very good.  

The bottom line is all this adds up to Less worry, Less fuss, and a little more time to wander in this winter wonderland.
Shopping Info: Fabulous Fit and Flare Dress Sleeveless Fit & Flare Midi by ModCloth

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