Sunday, February 28, 2021

And the Winner Is........

I had the hardest time making up my mind about which Teuta Matoshi dress to buy.  They are all so gorgeous that I just couldn't choose.  There was one in particular that was my utmost favorite, but I had to rule it out because it was just too long (that story doesn't end there, but more to follow soon).  I narrowed it down to three that I thought I would actually have a chance to wear, but I just couldn't narrow it down any further.  I asked my family to vote.  It was a three way tie.  So, I asked friends and coworkers.  The first dress didn't get any votes but it was even between the other two.  Another tie.  So, I took a little poll on Instagram was pretty much a tie between those two with only one person voting for the colorful lace dress.  So, I eliminated the lace dress and then I did the only thing I could do; I flipped a coin.  And it landed on




Scroll for dramatic effect!

Yeah, right, like I'd ever flip a coin for a decision this important.  Since I'd already saved up enough for one dress, I thought, why not save a little more and get both.  Plus, I didn't get to take a vacation last year--there was no where to go-- so I had a little extra to spend.  If you voted, thanks for your help.  If you didn't, maybe next time, because, let's face it, with dresses this gorgeous there will be a next time.  

So, we'll start with this Starry Cosmos dress.  It is a gorgeous dress, a beautiful fit and possibly the most luxe dress I've ever worn.  The bodice is unlined, however, so I had to wear a corset to cover everything.  There is a nice nude slip under the skirt, and this dress has pockets!!  It took about three weeks from the day I ordered until my dresses arrived, not too bad as far as I'm concerned.  But there's more good news on the way.
Teuta Matoshi Starry Cosmos Tulle Dress Blogger Review Promo Code
Lots of layers to this dress, lots of starry glitters and gorgeous ruffles to love about this dress.  Everything about it is elegant and classic.  I love it and I can't wait to go out and take photos of this dress in the spring flowers.
Teuta Matoshi Starry Cosmos Tulle Dress Blogger Review Promo Code
I dashed out into my yard today, threw together a little set since, you know, everything is so bleak and wintery, and took some quick photos, but just a few since it's so cold.  I'll have more great pics of this dress on the way and I'm working on a video review as well.  In the meantime, and perhaps the very best news of all, my readers can save 10% off their purchase at Teuta Matoshi with my link below.    
Shopping Info:  Starry Cosmos Dress from Teuta Matoshi

Saturday, February 27, 2021

I Heart Photography

Well, well, February is on its last leg and I thought I'd better wear my glitter heart dress one last time.  Still waiting on that date night, but February has been such a blur.
Unique Vintage Light Pink & Sparkling Hearts Dorothy Swing Dress
With everything that's been going on, I haven't made it out to take photos much lately and if I did make it out, I wasn't out there for long before frostbite became a real threat.   Well, when the weather won't play nice, sometimes all you can do is adapt, adopt, adjust.  Plus, I really do love this form of photography as a creative outlet.  I chose the outfit, the location, the time, the angles, I do everything but push the button.  And then there's the editing, which I sometimes love more than going out to take the photos.  And all these snow days and recent difficulties have sort of deprived me of that.
Unique Vintage Light Pink & Sparkling Hearts Dorothy Swing Dress
No more.  I'm determined to press on.  So, I've been spending some of these days indoors working on my indoor photography.  I'm not ready to roll anything out just yet, but I will say that my Teuta Matoshi dress arrived this week and I Will Take Photos of it THIS Weekend come Hell or high water (both of which are a real possibility at this time of year) and I don't particularly care where.

I'm going to spend today playing with the camera and see what I can come up with for tomorrow's post.  Hopefully it will involve a Matoshi dress, but you'll just have to come back tomorrow to see which dress I chose.
Shopping Info:  Light Pink & Sparkling Hearts Dorothy Swing Dress and gloves from Unique Vintage

Friday, February 26, 2021

Better Days

Strawberry Dress Lirika Matoshi
I've been focusing on my troubles a lot lately.  Not just on the blog.  The blog is really just a reflection of what's going on in my head.  Maybe I've had more than my usual share of problems lately or maybe I'm just obsessing.  Whatever the case, I'm ready for it to be over.
When I was little and woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and I was just about to let my bad mood get me in trouble, my mom would take my face in her hands and say, The day doesn't have to go this way.  You can change it before it goes any further.
Did you know that?  Did you know that you can't always change your circumstances, but you can choose how you respond to them.  You can't always choose the outcome, but you can choose your view of it.  You can't run from your problems, but you can get through them and stop letting them control you.
Strawberry Dress Lirika Matoshi
Ok, so some bad things have happened, this year and last and they were for the most part out of my control.  Some of them I was prepared for and it didn't seem to matter.  Some of them caught me totally off guard.  But, I have so many things that are going well right now and so much to be thankful for.  Pretty dresses like this one are just the tip of the blessings iceberg.
So, here's to better days or at least a better outlook.
Shopping Info: Strawberry dress from Lirika Matoshi, Flats by City Classified

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

One Thing Leads to Another

I'm glad I got out on this pre-blizzard day to snap a few photos.  I think it was one of the loveliest/non-life threateningly cold days of winter.  It's funny how things can go from beautiful to ugly, from serene to chaotic in such a short space of time.  
The snow has finally melted and temperatures are on the rise, so much so that we were outside all day working in short sleeves yesterday and the day before.  We had to be out working because the spigot for our garden hose broke and was spewing water.  No problem, with such low temps, we'd been expecting this and had a replacement spigot all ready to go.  Super easy, right?  Wrong.
We went to the water main to shut off the water so we could replace the spigot.  Got the spigot replaced and turned the water back on.  But the water main was so old that it snapped.  Now we had to go out and buy the replacement part for the water main.  An hour and a half later, we replaced the pipe to the water main and now we just had to wait two hours and fifteen minutes for the sealant to cure so we could turn the water back on.   
We picked up the kids from school, got dinner ready, ate, and then went out to turn the water back on and pray that the seal held and we weren't going to be up to our elbows in freezing water in the dark.  It worked!  Water flowed back to the house, no leaks.  Super easy, right?  Wrong.
Now it was dark and we were dirty and tired and wanted showers and to wash up the dishes, but there was no hot water.  We thought maybe it just needed time to reheat in the water tank, so we went about other evening chores for another couple of hours.  Still no hot water.  We boiled some water to wash the dishes and decided to forego the showers hoping that first thing in the morning the hot water would return.  Sounds simple, right?  You could not be wronger.

Next morning, still no hot water.  I boiled more water for everyone to have a quick bath and then we rushed the kids to school, picked up our grocery order and then came back to deal with the hot water situation.  Turns out while the water was shut off the heating element had "dry-fired" and burned itself out.  Fortunately, the former home owner left a brand new heating element next to the tank in case of such an event.  Sounds simple, right?  Do you see where I'm going with this?
We spent all day trying to drain the tank and in the process the valve to the tank broke spewing water everywhere.  Did I mention the hot water tank is in the wall behind my closet?  Guess whose shoes got an unexpected bath.  The tank was set in the floor so low, we couldn't get a bucket or pan under it to catch the water, so we just had to use towels to soak up the gush and eventually had to drill holes in the floor to drain it.  But wait, there's more.
Now, we needed to pull out the pipe attached to the valve to replaced the broken seal.  The pipe wouldn't budge and we briefly wondered if we were going to have to buy and new water heater all because of one small pipe.  Another trip into town led us to a replacement pipe with a removable valve, and it was on clearance!
We bought the pipe, picked up the kids from school, came home, replaced the valve and the heating element, threw the towels into the washing machine, turned the water back on, and waited.  It worked!  We decided to leave.  It would be at least two hours until we could shower, so we went out for dinner and discussed the possibility of moving to a country without indoor plumbing just to avoid having to do anymore plumbing repairs.
Not to mention that I spent these two days still hobbling around on my broken toe, and wondering how things went so wrong so quickly.  As with all things in life, it's just one thing leading to another.  But, we're a little wiser after this experience and we've definitely learned a thing or two, mainly that if this ever happens again, we'll just call a plumber.
Dress from, Chicwish Cape, Bettie Page Heels, Gloves from Unique Vintage

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

An Informed Uniform

I've mentioned before the usefulness of having a uniform, but for those of you who are just joining us here on the blog and for everyone else who's slept a few hundred times since I last covered this topic, let's recap.
During my time in the Pacific Northwest, I met a stunningly beautiful woman with the kindest heart and she always looked amazing and put together.  Her schedule was just as packed as the rest of us, her life just as stressful, but she always looked stylish and composed.  Since that was something lacking in my life, I decided to observe and learn from her.
What I found out about this woman was that she prioritized certain aspects of her life like her morning time of exercise followed by prayer and meditation before anyone else in the house woke up.  "Ok," I thought, "so far we're on the same page."  But when it came to her appearance she had a prescription she followed to take all the decisions out of things when she was in a hurry.  This was what I needed.

She had a look, a uniform if you will, that looked great on her and worked well for just about every occasion.  Because her wardrobe was built around this look (ie button down tops, skinny jeans, knee high boots and everything was in neutrals except for her signature color, lime green) all she had to do was grab a top, trousers, and shoes and she was good to go.  She did her hair the same way each day, so it was easy, and her make-up was understated and chic.
I was still finding my style back then, moving out of the mom garb, and I decided to give this little experiment a try.  First I had to find a style that suited me and the most common situations I faced in my week.  Within a couple of months I built a wardrobe that was similar but yet still my own.  It consisted of several white lacy tunics, two pairs of dark wash skinny jeans, one pair of brown knee high boots, one pair of black ballet flats, two long cardigans, and my signature color was dusty pink.  I kept my hair natural or up in a bun and got a make-up routine down to 5 minutes flat.
It was great, and I loved how I always felt confident leaving the house no matter how busy I was or was going to be.  Over time I grew more confident in my style and so naturally as my tastes evolved my wardrobe expanded.  So much so that stepping in my closet when I'm in a rush in the mornings can be overwhelming.  That's why I still have my "uniform" pieces that I can easily throw together and always feel confident.
This outfit is a prime example of my current uniform.  Right now my grab and go style is striped cotton tops, high waist black paper bag trousers or skirts, and black flats.  I still use the five minute face technique most work days and my hair is a bit of a wild card, so a bun usually suffices to tame the mane.  I like to wear my pearls nearly everyday.  The colorful belts are optional, but I love what they bring to the outfit.  In this way, no matter how rushed or stressed I'm feeling, I still walk out my door feeling confident, stylish, and ready for anything the day offers. 
Shopping Info:  City Classified Flats from Poshmark, Top and skirt from Shein

Monday, February 22, 2021

One Top; Two Outfits with Belle Poque

Today's post is the second installment of my collaboration with Belle Poque.  You can view my other posts here and here.  I don't want to gush, but how perfect is this Sweetheart blouse!   
Belle Poque Scam Blogger Review Sweetheart Neck Short Sleeve Curved Hem Button Placket Blouse
Ever since I tried their striped Victorian skirt, I've wanted to try some of their vintage style tops, so I am very excited for today's collab and hope it will be the first of many with Belle Poque.

Sweetheart Neck Short Sleeve Curved Hem Button Placket Blouse belle poque review blogger scam
I swear this style was made for me, the color the cut, the fit, I absolutely love it and it goes so well with this beachy stripe dress that I have been struggling to find the right top for.
Sweetheart Neck Short Sleeve Curved Hem Button Placket Blouse Belle Poque Review Blogger
These tabs over the sweetheart neckline do just what a shirt should do, make every woman's body look curvy, feminine, and its very best.  You may be thinking that everything looks more feminine when paired with a skirt, so let's look at this top with slacks.
I'm not sure I could choose a favorite look if I had to.  This top has such an understated elegance to it that I adore the way it makes a statement.  It also comes in black, if you're tastes run more mod, and the sizes range from S to 2XL so there are lots of options.
I know there are more great outfits on the way and I fully plan to get a few more tops from Belle Poque, the prints and the bows are calling my name.
Shopping Info:  Sweetheart Neck Short Sleeve Curved Hem Button Placket Blouse from, Trousers from Shein, Skirt from Collectif

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Share Your Interests

It's nice to have people in your life who share your interests--Nice, but not necessary.  For the longest time I didn't have a single soul in my life who shared my interests. It was a little frustrating, a little less enjoyable at times, but still within the realm of the possible. 
That's pretty much why I started a blog.  I loved fashion so much I wanted to talk about it with someone and I knew if I felt that way someone else surely must feel the same.  
Wasn't it C.S. Lewis that said friendships are formed in the moment of realizing, "You too? I thought I was the only one."  I have made a few special friends along the way, wonderful people I would never have met otherwise.

If I didn't have the blog....well, I would still love the things I love and pursue my interests, it would just be a little less fun.  Thankfully I am able to share.  

It's precisely because no one close to me is like minded that I had to reach outside my little circle and I'm so glad I did. 
 There's a great big world out there and no matter what it is that you enjoy, there is someone out there who enjoys it too.  You just have to reach out.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

On the Mend

Thank God all the storms are over, the temperatures are rising, lives are returning to normal, and I am on the mend.  In addition to getting sick, I also broke my toe last week, so with all that and the snow days, I spent the better part of the week laying on the couch or in bed. I came home from work a week ago Friday evening feeling ill.  I knew it.  I knew I was sick.  I've been working extra hours for a month and have had a few stressful encounters and it all finally took its toll.  While I was getting ready for bed, I pulled my shoe off and saw a swollen purple toe that I couldn't bend without screaming.  I'd ignored the pain for days--easy to do when you're constantly covered in layers to keep out the arctic cold--but now I couldn't overlook it anymore.
Tulle ModCloth Birdcage Dress
I had obligations and deadlines, and I am absolutely loathe to break my word, but I knew I wouldn't be able to do my best if I could do anything at all, so I immediately sent out emails Friday night letting everyone know I would be taking some sick time.  After a rough week, my head cold is subsiding and my foot doesn't keep me awake all night with the pain.  I hate resting, but my body just needed it and lots of it.  And a little chicken soup never hurt anybody either.
ModCloth Leggy Layers Red Tights
I did not enjoy having this much rest.  I like a good balance to my days, some work, some rest, some play, in order to feel productive.  But, I also understand that when your body needs to heal, you can't rush it.  Invest in some quality time to rejuvenate or you'll likely end up worse off and taking even longer to get over what ails you.  It's the same with emotional wellbeing.  You can go along, ignoring the hurts, but eventually you will collapse and have to stop and deal with damage.  Our bodies and minds can only take so much.  Rather than running and ignoring them, it's better to deal with things as soon as they come up.
Much like my broken toe, we try to cover emotional pain with layer upon layer, thinking out of sight, out of mind, until the day we're forced to peel back those layers and deal it.  Expose the hurts, properly bandage them, and then rest and give yourself time to heal.  It's scary to look at something we've turned away from, we're afraid of what we'll see, but ignoring things, running away from them, doesn't aid healing it prolongs suffering.  And a few tears and a few hugs from a trusted friend or counselor never hurt anybody either.
To that end, I'll be out of commission for the rest of the weekend, just to be sure I'm back to 100% by Monday.  And, I want to encourage you, if there's anything that's been ailing you in body, mind, or emotions don't ignore it anymore.  Take the time to rest and heal.  You won't regret taking care of yourself so you can be your very best you.

Tulle ModCloth Birdcage Dress
Shopping Info:  Leggy Layers Tights from ModCloth, Dress from Poshmark, Mak Cardigan from Thred Up, Flats from Shoe Carnival
© Bleu Avenue. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.